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Market Watch

Posted on February 28, 2013 in Elder Care News

How to Cut Your Family’s Elder Care Bills

(The Wall Street Journal – Encore – Glenn Ruffenach) — Among the biggest drains on retirement savings are the expenses associated with caring for an older family member – even before that person requires institutional care. If you’re serving as a caregiver, or soon will be, there are steps you can take to help reduce the size of those bills.

About one-third of the 65-plus population – and about two-thirds of those…


Marcellus Shale Tax

Posted on February 12, 2013 in Oil and Gas News

Taxing the Marcellus Shale

(The Legal Intelligencer -Stephen J. Blazick, Daniel M. Dixon and Brent K.  Beissel) — Pennsylvania imposes an impact fee on energy companies for each natural gas-producing well they drill in the state. The impact fee was enacted in  response to the large concentration of natural gas producers flocking into the  Marcellus Shale region. However, in the commotion of ramping up drilling operations and focusing on the impact fee, companies…